Cleansing Waters Organically. Your Eco-Friendly Choice for Pure Solutions and Sustainable Living
Hydrogen Peroxide as a water disinfectant
Learn about the limitations and benefits of using Hydrogen peroxide as a disinfectant...
Nigeria: Ensuring Water Sanitation and Hygiene For all
Nigerian Roadmap to Hand Hygeine
Water Sanitation and Hygiene; UNICEF
Natural Materials and Methods Used in Water Purification
Digitalization of Sustainable Water
Hydrogen Peroxide as a water disinfectant
Nigerian students develop water purifcation system
But some science students in the community are changing the narrative by developing a water purification system to alleviate the sufferings of the residents.
How Portable water is changing lives at a rural Nigerian community
Provision of potable water supply was one of the various interventions in Nsit Atai community by UNICEF under its WASH programme. The scheme is aimed at improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene in Nigeria – especially in the rural areas.
UN Conference: Nigeria highlights success stories on water
The Minister of Water Resources, Alhaji Suleiman Adamu, has shared some success stories about Nigeria’s efforts to provide basic water and adequate sanitation for its citizens.
Most common water-borne diseases
Water-borne diseases are illnesses caused by pathogenic microorganisms or toxic substances transmitted through contaminated water sources.
Home water purification systems
The effectiveness of home water purification systems on the amount of flouride in drinking water
Choosing the right water treatment system for your home
Learn how to find the right water treatment for your home. Find out what is in your water and decide what contaminants to reduce.
Signs your home water quality is bad
How do you know if your home water quality is bad? Here are 8 signs that help you tell.
How do developing countries treat water?
Access to clean water, a fundamental human right and basic necessity, remains elusive for millions in developing countries and impoverished communities.
Understanding Menstrual health and clean water
Uncover the effects of common waterborne illnesses on women’s health, methods to alleviate their impact, and ways to contribute to the clean water initiative.
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